Software Testing Cannot be Exhaustive

When there are bugs on software released to production, software testers often get their integrity questioned. The rationale is, if they tested there shouldn't be bugs in the released software, Is this true?

Chibuzor Obilom
August 23, 2024

Yes, your software tester(s) cannot test everything testable for a myriad of reasons.

It is one of the principles of Software Testing.

Most product companies want more users. The more the merrier. The more users there are are, the more profit that can be made.

However, you cannot accurately predict the exact number of unexpected (and unintended) ways your product can be used.

Try this exercise.

Combine your number of users with the possible unexpected ways they can use your app.

Then ask yourself:

What’s the size of your company, your engineering team, your testing team?

It’s a numbers game.

If you understand this as CEO/CTO/HR, you won’t have good sleep knowing you have:

1 Tester : 7+ Developers

A Software Tester is not a role you use to (barely) meet regulatory requirements and inspections, neither is it a role that decorates your engineering team.

If you understand this you won’t be quick to play the blame game for every bug or every unexpected use of your product.

Every software release;
Every product release;
Every feature release;

is an opportunity to learn and adapt;
is an opportunity to learn and adjust.