To get better ideas – Become a Machine Gunner

Is being an idea "machine gunner" better than a "sniper"? We often aim for perfection, but what if rapid-firing "bad" ideas is the key to creativity? Maybe it's time to waste some mental "ammo" and see where it takes your ideation process.

Chibuzor Obilom
August 24, 2024

So there’s this analogy of a machine gunner and a sniper. Lots of corollaries have been drawn to this twin analogy – investing, trading, ideation, relationships, strategy, investment etc. I can’t remember where I first read it, but this is the catch.

A sniper

  • shoots high-value targets
  • does not waste ammo
  • skilled in accuracy and precision
  • moves in silence

while a machine gunner

  • shoots anyone
  • wastes a lot of ammo
  • skilled in suppressive fire
  • make a lot of noise

But how does this analogy apply to ‘getting better at ideation’?

Ideas that end up being bad or ‘not good enough’ come from untested assumptions. They also come from mimicry, faulty learning processes, distractions, limited perspectives, and a lack of execution, etc.

When it comes to generating ideas, you need to share the bad ideas. You need to waste bad ideas like a machine gunner wastes their ammo. Only then can you start to generate the good ones.

Do you find yourself constantly generating bad ideas? Do not be ashamed of them. Share them. Write them down. Get them off your mind to stand a chance of generating better ones.