A steady stream of thought experiments on a diverse range of topics courtesy of a boundless supply of curiosity.
The line between confidence and arrogance is subjective. Our upbringing, personal beliefs, relationships, and preferences shape how we perceive others' behaviour.
A short stream of thoughts around the way people have made the supernatural as the opposite of logic.
Lack of empathy in app design breeds user frustration. User-centric design prevents this, ensuring a smoother experience.
On introducing change, overcome resistance, and transforming your workplace - even as the newcomer.
Debunking the 'post daily' myth: Why less might be more in content creation. Explore smarter strategies to maximize your ideas and beat algorithm fatigue without burning out.
Is being an idea "machine gunner" better than a "sniper"? We often aim for perfection, but what if rapid-firing "bad" ideas is the key to creativity? Maybe it's time to waste some mental "ammo" and see where it takes your ideation process.